Our land and ashram, called

Adi Nagar

Adi means First. Nagar means City.

Our land, called Adi Nagar, is located in West Bengal, in a government-owned forest area with tribal villages nearby. We call it an ashram. It is a beautiful and quite large piece of land; it take some minutes to walk from one end of the land to the other, in length as well as in width.

A local co-worker and his family are the main caretakers of Adi Nagar. They want to serve the soil, with cows, ducks, chickens – and the growing of protein-rich mushrooms. The first cows have arrived, named Tulsi and Kamona. A calf will be named Alo.

For city people Adi Nagar may be a place for rest, for quiet, meditation, community, and for working the land. Several kinds of fruit trees have been planted here, among them mangoes, oranges, and bananas, although this is not the perfect soil for bananas. A vegetable garden is being taken care of. Cow dung will from now on serve the soil well.

There is a pond, waiting for somebody’s competence, and finances, to be built stronger, with some kind of solid «floor» to store rainwater, maybe for fish-harvesting. This is arid land. We are hoping for friends to pass by this web page and maybe commit themselves – and donate.

We want to organise painting classes with plant pigments as soon as the basic needs of the land itself have been sufficiently well taken care of.

Our land is fenced in, it has got a tube well, a house of solid clay built with bricks to make it durable, two quite large rooms where guests may stay, two places to take a bath and, of course, toilets. The place for meditation, as well as the kitchen, were blown away during a storm in April 2019.