You truly make a difference here

We have worked hard with very limited resources for years. In order for the effort to continue, we need help. Because we are so small in scale, your contribution can be the key to preserve this work.

EWA-Norway works with modest means. We have to collect funds to pay our teachers and co-workers in India and Bangladesh decently. People need to eat, to travel, to use phones, to buy new phones (rarely though it is), some young people sometimes need some extra support. New instruments are needed, repairing old ones must be done. Paper to paint on is needed. Some things break and must be repaired. Living cost are sky-rocketing due to covid-19.

Become A Member

We need regular supporting member to continue our work. Become a member by donating NOK 100 or more a month! Members are invited to the yearly meeting and other events.

Become a member through PayPal:

We also value one time donations

Anything makes a difference

Or donate using PayPal:

You can also wire money directly to our account (IBAN): NO7012546297037