Fremtidige Prosjekter

Shantinilay (et fredens sted)

SHANTINILAY (A Place for Peace) is going to be a place meant to empower Folk Musicians. It will be run within the context of Mayer Tori.

SHANTINILAY is meant  to teach, or rather show, the Peace that may be reached by and within music. The words of the profound wisdom of Bengali Folk Music will be taught, or at least studied. Music is musch more than sound only. The whole human Person may be transformed by and within music and joy may come to be. 

Shantinilay will be run by Mayer Tori (the local organisation in Bangladesh).

Importantly, respect for children, women, poor people and everything alive must be present.

We will publish recordings from the recording studio, texts and other results from Shantinilay.


  • To teach people, young and old, about the deep meaning of the words of folk song of the land of Bangladesh, especially the traditions of the northern region, as well as Lalan Fakir, Murshidi and Marfati. Some working sessions with external people should be organized. 

  • To give an opportunity to those who have been trained within the context of «Torir Class» to be further educated, to dive deeper into the texts and the tunes – as well as to get some experience in teaching children , as well provide some of these young people with work opportunities, as librarians, assistants in the recording-studio, or other.

  • A recording studio

  • Song and music practise, including instruments

  • To get some basic knowledge about Bangladesh during the present ecological state of the planet. 

  • A vegetable garden and, if possible, organic farming as well as some elementary learning about soil, vegetables, fruit, herbs – as well as HEALTH.  

  • To be inspired to write songs, poems, stories that may be printed and to have a place where writing is possible.

  • A library with books for children and with books carefully selected for the enlightenment of mind, society and art. 

  • An room for music and where minds can open up and speak as freely as is possible within the context of the present society. 

  • To organise at least one local festival every year. 

If you like this idea, you can help us realize it by contributing as much as you want.

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