More About EWA-Norge

This is One effort, on both sides of the border, with one purpose: art, ecological awareness and community - by the Bay of Bengal and rising ocean.

We have accomplished this with our friends in the east:

  • We have kept the effort alive throghout the difficult pandemic period.

  • We have opened new places for learning.

  • We have obtained a property with a piece of land that is being cultivated

  • We have planted trees

  • They have had an art exhibition in India.

  • In Bangladesh we have had a music festival where all the children participated.

  • We have crowdsourced resources to

    • Rebuild houses after and feed people after a hurricane

    • A toilet at our main place for learning music in Bangladesh.

What is EWA-Norge?

Earth Care With Art, Yoga, and Music - Norge is a commitment of solidarity. We are registered as a non-profit in Norway. We work with two Bengal grass roots organisations: Earth Care with Art, in India, working with painting and yoga, and Mayer Tori, in Bangladesh, working with folk music.

The Norwegian board works for free.

EWA-Norge aims to contribute to the preservation of endangered cultural and artistic traditions in the Bengal region. The teachers and helpers know the children by name. And the young get to express themselves through music, natural pigments, and Yoga

The grass roots organisations

The two grass roots organisations work to strengthen children’s expression through color, yoga, song and music, in villages and big city slum - in the face of climate change. Deep connections between people, in our three countries are being strengthened. There is, no doubt, a deep feeling of being together, of sharing pains, joys – and the learning of new skills, of seeing new creative possibilities.

In Bangladesh, Mayer Tori has helped establish and maintain ten music schools, where more than 300 young get weekly song and music lessons from local teachers.

The young get to be an essential part of the preservation of endangered traditions.

In India, we have seven places for learning painting, and four places for learning yoga. We also have a piece of land that is cultivated with trees and vegetable.

Both of the organisations are based on anti-corruption ethics and respekt for women, children, poor people and everything alive.

“You have maintained a very beautiful place - we hope it will last for a long, long time”

— Sumon

We need you in order to save this work

If we do not get support, we will not be able to continue this beautiful effort. If you value what we do, you can help us!

We need money for: a modest salary for the teachers and helpers, instruments, paper, travel, phones, internet, food, maintenance, and yearly festivals.