
Anders Lovaas Anders Lovaas

We have visited the music schools in Bangladesh

In the end of December, three of us from the board traveled to Bangladesh to visit all the the music schools. We got to hear a lot a fantastic singing, and meet many beautiful children and teachers. We have an abundance of video footage and photographs that we want to share.

They are doing a big and beautiful work to keep the “boat” alfoat. Every child is taken care of. They don’t want anyone to fall out of the “boat”. There is alot of dangerous drugs in the area, so it’s easy for the older children to get trapped by them if they are not careful. The girls are being married away when they reach that age. Many are not allowed to keep singing after that. Even so, the teachers and children keep the song “boat” going strong.

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Anders Lovaas Anders Lovaas

New solar panels in Kolkata

We have had a successful fundraiser. We got enough to both reinforce the roof structure and install the solar panels. Most of the electricity consumption is covered by the new solar panels. Which means that the monthly electricity bill is minimal. And we have made a small difference by replacing some coal power production.

We want to thank everyone who helped make this possible!

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Anders Lovaas Anders Lovaas


What has changed since 2018. The whole world, one could say. Climate change is ongoing. South Asia is particularly vulnerable to floods and droughts. All schools were closed for almost two years during the pandemic. The invasion in Ukraine has major consequences for the production and transport, and therefore price of necessary food.

EWA-Norway managed to keep the boat with children's art afloat through the pandemic. Join us and keep it going during inflation too.

Young and older artists must be allowed to eat.

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Anders Lovaas Anders Lovaas

Our new place

In February, children started gathering to paint together on Sunderban. More than 70 children have joined. 100 more are on the waiting list.

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Anders Lovaas Anders Lovaas

Happy news

Together with our local co-workers, we (in EWA-Norway) are now very happy to announce that a new painting place will be opened, for children in Sundarban (which means "beautiful forest").
This class will be held on an island - literally in the ocean gap. More information on this is coming soon! More than a 100 children attended the first class, with eager parents standing behind them.

Around twenty girls and young women (former students in our classes in Kolkata and the villages in Nadia) are now co-responsible for the teaching of painting and yoga to the younger ones.
They are modestly paid for the work they do. This is also a work of empowerment.

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Anders Lovaas Anders Lovaas

They are planting trees!

The yong and old in Earth Care With Art India have planted trees on the anual tree planting day.

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Anders Lovaas Anders Lovaas

A new place

In Bangladesh: Devoted Nishi has been searching for two years for a place where children would come to teach. A flock of twenty-five eager seven-eight-year-olds. We call the place Mayalay. Each place has a similar name: Sahajalay, Suralay, Sebalayosv. Alay means «place».

In India: In the suburbs, near the weaving villages, our Indian staff has opened a new teaching place for painting. It is the children of indigenous people who come. Until now, smaller gatherings have been able to take place within the limits of the pandemic restrictions.

But: a third wave of infection is raging in both countries. We follow from day to day!

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Anders Lovaas Anders Lovaas

They can meet again!

Finally the lockdown restrictions are midler in Bangladesh and India. The children can meet in small groups again!

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Anders Lovaas Anders Lovaas

An update

There is complete lockdown in Bangladesh and India. All ours are asked to write: daily reports, diaries, stories, songs.

The corona situation is more unclear in Bangladesh than in India. Tiny movements outside your own home are possible, but no more. People are "stuck".

A Freedom of Expression organization based in Dhaka will contribute rice, lentils, cooking oil and the like to the one hundred poorest families in the singing work.

Two of our singing teachers are working on making a list of who needs it.

In Kolkata, they keep digital contact (Whatsapp) between local coordinator Binod in the big city and the oldest painting girls in the villages.

Also, they write texts about the condition, which they let each other read. Only neighbors can visit each other.

We want to keep the singing and painting work alive through the pandemic.

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Anders Lovaas Anders Lovaas


It all begins with an idea.

Yesterday, the oldest of the painting girls were at the police station to get permission to cycle around to the children in the five villages with painting paper, soap and a packet of biscuits. They bring rise to the poorest villages. Schools are closed and children do not receive the hot dinner sponsored by the Indian state.

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