Song Texts

that they are singing

Songs by Lalan Fakir

see oh see my beloved one
how the heart becomes renewed
in the company of sadhus[1]
will the sinner ever again be lucky like this
and sit in the company of sadhus
where sadhus sit together
there are millions of obstacles
one gets into the company of sadhus
only with great difficulty
such is the true company of sadhus
if you, my mind
do not flee away from truth once more
what a grace there is in the teachings of the true Teacher
there is no limit to that truth
the sadhu has no address
no street name and number
if you, my mind
do not flee away from truth once more
a sadhu has the mind of wind
and the smell of sandal from the tree of the jungle
Lalan says what a richness
the mind  can share in
in the close company of sadhus


I am sitting on this side of the river
oh Merciful one take me across
I am sitting alone in the bathing step that goes down to the river
the sun is setting
without you I am in danger
no way out    take me across
I do not pray and I do not abstain from evil
I have always walked on evil paths
but I have heard about a fallen man who was rescued
let me be like him    take me across
if the pathless one does not get a path    who will then
call you Allah
fakir Lalan says   rescue the pathless one
who can call you and tell you to     take me across


oh you crazy mind, you who knows so little and speaks so much
you have been diving into the ocean of song
for so long and done nothing else
at the end of life you will get to know what pain is
at that time your very veins
the root of life in you will be sick
oh you crazy mind, you who knows so little and speaks so much
you may want to put a talisman around your neck to protect you
but will you really be healed that way
when your very brain is drying up
oh you crazy mind, you who knows so little and speaks so much
seek peace now and play around no more
Lalan says: the sun is going down
open your eyes and see
oh you crazy mind, you who knows so little and speaks so much


how to get a glimpse of Him, just a short glimpse
there is nothing in the Vedic scriptures about His form
some say utmost bliss but nobody has seen
the One through whom the world was made
pages upon pages have been written about Him
He has no form and walks through foreign lands
He is without another
He walks through foreign lands
He walks alone through foreign lands
through meditation the highest god[2] has understood a tiny bit
Lalan says: know the guru, there is no other way
that we humans can be freed
from the dark clouds of the mind


to whom can I speak words about deep love
the love that inspired the Prophet to see Allah
this vision is the seat of love
this is the place where secret and simple words
can be spoken beween lovers
who then is man and who is woman
is anything written about this in the holy scriptures
the love that inspired Fatema to love Sai
was the love with which the whole world could be served
by which love did Sai call Fatema mother[3]
by that very name
by which love can the guru become the boat and
by which love can the disciple row the boat
without insight into real love
Lalan has loved in foolish ways


if we got to know
where sai is seated
we would be scared
as if we got a glimpse of a poisonous snake
the one who wants to touch that place must die
but from that place, and no other, does life become true
we understand it and understand it not
what is the true task we have been born to do
the person who knows himself is he who knows it all
even from bad trees he will collect good fruit
but I have not been able to know
my own darkness
what I am made of
I have not taken care of
Lalan has had his fruits ripen in the wrong season
he is alone and in pain with no partner to know him


when will I get to touch the dust of the feet of a true human being
waiting for this with no end in sight
I am sitting here on the shore
like a bird that drinks rain-water only
I am waiting day and night watching the clouds
I am like the thirsty, almost fainting
only water can give him life
I have not learned how to serve and to meditat
I pretend that I know it all
oh sai I know only your name
I am a sinner, have mercy on me
I have heard about the compassion of sadhus
have heard that what the sadhus touch will become gold
but I did not get any part of this
fakir Lalan says he is far away
translated by Wera Sæther

[1] according to history and tradition the sadhu is the perfected one

[2] the opposition is between nirakar = with no form and akar = with form

the One is without form; the highest god is with form

[3] maa



Songs by other poets

 come, if you could only come to stay     

and take me, a beggar, across

oh God, take me across 

take me across, take me across


I have no wealth to bring with me

and no strength left

oh God, take me across 

take me across, take me across


I have not kept the rule of five prayers 

have not fasted according to the Qur´an

how am I to call on you

I know not even that






a sudden gust of wind

uprooted me

what used to be is gone


it was no fault of mine 

oh why then am I punished


God gave such pain

why must a human who tries to walk in truth

drown in tears of defeat


the way you want it is the way it will be 

a king may lose everything in a flash

and become a pauper


because it was your will

the first human had to leave heaven


the bird will speak no more

why must a man who tries to walk in truth

drown in tears of defeat


while you are seated blissfully

on a throne of emptiness

playing just like you wish


if you wished it that way

you could give the blind person light 





oh, I remarried a man of fun just to have fun  

but all I got was unending toil


I have to prepare the rice in another family´s house 

saying this, I cry

I wake up and my husband beats me

he asks for food before even washing his face


this man is lazy, and nothing else 

if he works one day, he sits idle for three days

my one and only saree is torn to pieces

his younger brother gives me clothes


why is this awful husband of mine still alive

if he died I would be relieved

why not take a stick and kill him

I will run away to my father´s house and never come back





God, could you not find another than me to play around with

my heart was filled with dreams

why did I not get a fellow-human

to still my thirst


you have given me a house with all good things

a heart filled with tenderness

so why did you not give me someone

to tame my wild heart


what sinful act did I do to burn in pain like this

why did I not taste joy, not for a single moment

in the rainy season, my heart used to be filled with dreams

but you gave me nobody to play with 


Abu Jafar



it is between those three forms of existence:

truth lust and darkness

that the play of this world evolves, repeatedly

and the human who tries to become fully human

participates in this play of love


high tide enters the dried-up river and water flows

on all sides, without barriers

do not swim into this river of lust in the last part of your life on earth

as long as there is lust the gates of love will not open

if you swim into the river then

you will not be able to get back to the riverbed

you will sink and die


the one who knows love can easily swim and reach the other shore

nine sorts of water[1], five forms[2]

oh Krishna, black-hued

three[3] goddesses with tools and necklaces

are waiting at the river-bed for lovers

to give away their necklace to a lover


dive into this river

you who know true love

to you who lack this true passion I say: do not dive into the river

if you do you will die much too early


those who have let go of lust, come here

the angel of death will bow to you three times, says Hasan


Hasan Ali Cisti




my soulbird sings no more

I have kept calling on it

I have called it with many names

my soulbird has left the cage

I have kept taming it for so long

it has left behind emptiness, and nothing else


the cage in my chest has become empty

my tears are flowing

that the bird could ever leave me I had not understood

I cry on the outside of the cage

my soulbird is not in the cage

by whom can I be known and held


pain is burning

the place of pain is dark as coal

I have no home and my bird has left me behind

to fly to its own unknown forest


whom can I blame, I who can blame nobody

I could not tame my soulbird

I forced love upon it

such forced love is nothing but a lie                                                 






guru, I have not been able to know my own soul

guru, I have not been able to know you

I have not been freed from the bonds of this world



why am I attached to this world as I know I shall die

guru, this world of lust and pleasure will one day be gone

this life is filled with pain and true joy is nowhere to find


where was I before I was born and where will I go after my death

guru, since I was born I have tried to see things the way other people see

I have been attached to this world and forgotten to think about the other world


father mother brother, they all held me tenderly

but when I leave this world they will become strangers, oh guru

who in this world of desires is fully mine, oh guru







the bird will fly from the cage


you will one day have to let go of the world you are attached to

wealth money belongings will not travel with you

brothers friends and relatives will not travel with you

your home will be a dark place in the ground


empty love empty greed empty world

the coloured puppet will be broken and put aside

death will occur and nobody even thinks of it

you will have to let go of the world you are attached to                 






the wind is cool but the soul has no peace

I am alone in bed with no sleep

I say to the wind do not touch me

I want to be touched by the one I love


when at home I am walking in vain

when out of my home I am walking in vain all the time

no trace of my friend anywhere

oh wind do not touch my body






the seat of the murshid is the kaaba of the faithful

where the wind of heaven is blowing

the one with trust and devotion will be freed

nobody knows who will be freed


bow down where the murshid is seated

stay waiting where the murshid is seated

wait for his words and do what he commands

in this way will you be blessed                   


just bow down to the murshid

whatever state of the mind he is in

and you will be blessed

whether he sees you or not


remember what the murshid says

what you need he does know

be patient and just listen

no need for you to speak


when the murshid looks at you

let your eyes watch his feet

Hasan says those who are holy

can burn away evil fire with the fire of justice


I have seen how Khaji Israel Sha

burned away all evil 

Hasan Ali Cisti




you did not even see

whether it was gilded paper or real gold that you received

what the guru gave is beyond your knowledge


the guru gave you real gold

and you believed it was gilded paper

as if you were completely blind

   if you do not meditate you will not reach reality


Chandidas and Rajakini loved in a true way

they received the real

and died together by the same love

    the way few humans die  






I have died before dying

I am afraid of death no more


the one who has died in the fire of love

is dead though (s)he lives

no difference whether I am dead or alive

   I am just beaten 


no end to the blows I have received

my heart hurts, that is the way I have died

is no happiness ever to be given

   to me in this world 


Nurul Islam Jahid






the lover tied up my heart

made a cage

tamed the bird of life

and locked the door from outside


the murshid says you own nothing

I only ask whether a broken pot of clay

can be put together

does such a murshid exist


a boat made of three pieces of wood

three men to row aft and three forward

oh row quickly then

the six[4] will row in their own way

   saying prayers for Allah



baul Jalal wonders

if the bird of life can be freed from the cage

if God so wishes I will be a slave

if the murshid so wishes I will be a slave

   does such a God exist  


baul Jalal




oh soul, oh friend of my soul, there is nobody else

to whom I can speak my pain

   there is no friend but you 


oh soul, oh friend of my soul, you were my real friend

but when I fell asleep you fled away

when I woke up I could not see your face

   beautiful as the moon[5], oh my soul


oh soul, oh friend of my soul,

I got this house to live in and my hope was immense  

the branches of my tree of hope broke down

   and hope is falling     falling


oh soul, oh friend of my soul,

like the bird[6] who drinks rain-water and nothing else

as the clouds drift away  

   on to other countries  


kabi Jashim Uddin




do not hesitate, let go of what you own

death is coming closer

gold silver all kinds of wealth

there is no place for these                             


your dreams are still unfulfilled

in your house lives a beautiful wife

yet you want another


you will not again be young

the days to count become less

very soon now, the small letters of the alphabet

will be unreadable for your eyes


no strength any more in your body

all of a sudden you will faint

and the messenger of death hand over his letter 


Hasan Ali Cisti




the day will come for each and everyone

to be buried and stay in the ground

so why crave for a big house in this world

the bird of your soul will leave the cage

nothing else will change in the world


mother father sister brother, all

will become unknown to you, my soul

skin and bone, all the particles of the body, will decay

brain backbone bones and skin will separate

small and big veins become nothing


all of this, deep in the ground

no bed no water, this house is dark

in this ground Munir Sarkar will lie


what good can wife child friend do then

without your breath they all become unknown

so why crave for a big house in this world  


Munir Sarkar





time passed   the friend of my heart did not come back

time passed   the friend of my heart did not come back


it was late   it was night

the cuckoo called from the branch

I am the unhappy one

pain is burning    hurting 

to whom can I show my sorrow

oh friend-witness  my sorrow


if the friend of my heart comes back

to the house of this unhappy one

make him a necklace of the black

kajol marks from my weeping eyes


and, friend-witness, tell mad Razzak 

that the one who loved him   has gone forever 


Razzak Deoan



you I will make into Radha[7]   tenderly make you into my Radha

and I will become Dark Moon[8]

and prove that love

leaves marks, love

makes wounds


I will make you into a decent girl

and show her the pain of separation

show her the pain of separation

how will she be able to stay in-doors and at home

and keep her self-respect


when I will be sitting at the bank of the Jamuna river

at the foot of the kadam tree

play flute and call for Radha Radha

then you will understand the pain of love

how devastating 

is the poisonous flood                                           






Soharab Hosen


oh bird from the land of my friend

tell me about my friend

for how long can I be waiting

waiting for how long



I could see my friend at my side

but my dream was  broken  

and I knew it was all just a lie


like the female deer in a burnt-out jungle

I am running around

burnt up from within

oh for how long must Soharab burn from within                 


Soharab Hosen




oh how to tie up my young life


I have neither silver nor gold

to put around my neck   as a jewel


oh how to tie up my young life


I have neither banknotes nor coins

to tie up in the knot    of my saree                                                  


oh how to tie up my young life                                       






if you black Krishna

would come to my modest hut

an early morning during the month of rains

I would sing for you

play the harmonium for you


if you came I would  put out

a part of my saree for you to sit

and smilingly sing

all the night for you

happily make you happy

with my own hands prepare paan

delicately, on a tray for you



from you I would get the smell of rainy month´s flower

let heart blend with heart

whisper words with no sound

and flow with you in the river of love

even without water                                                           









[1] ros meaning ”juice”, referring, probably, to the juices of the body   

[2] earth, water, fire, air, space

[3] referring to mystical and yogic knowledge: ida, pingala, susumna

[4] kam, krodh, lobh, maha, madh, matsya/hinsa

[5] nothing is more beautiful than the the moon; which may refer to Krishna  

[6] catok: a bird with its beak turned towards the sky

[7] Radha is Krishna´s beloved one

[8] one of Krishna´s namesSongs by other poets. (often anonymous)


come, if you could only come to stay     

and take me, a beggar, across

oh God, take me across 

take me across, take me across


I have no wealth to bring with me

and no strength left

oh God, take me across 

take me across, take me across


I have not kept the rule of five prayers 

have not fasted according to the Qur´an

how am I to call on you

I know not even that






a sudden gust of wind

uprooted me

what used to be is gone


it was no fault of mine 

oh why then am I punished


God gave such pain

why must a human who tries to walk in truth

drown in tears of defeat


the way you want it is the way it will be 

a king may lose everything in a flash

and become a pauper


because it was your will

the first human had to leave heaven


the bird will speak no more

why must a man who tries to walk in truth

drown in tears of defeat


while you are seated blissfully

on a throne of emptiness

playing just like you wish


if you wished it that way

you could give the blind person light 





oh, I remarried a man of fun just to have fun  

but all I got was unending toil


I have to prepare the rice in another family´s house 

saying this, I cry

I wake up and my husband beats me

he asks for food before even washing his face


this man is lazy, and nothing else 

if he works one day, he sits idle for three days

my one and only saree is torn to pieces

his younger brother gives me clothes


why is this awful husband of mine still alive

if he died I would be relieved

why not take a stick and kill him

I will run away to my father´s house and never come back





God, could you not find another than me to play around with

my heart was filled with dreams

why did I not get a fellow-human

to still my thirst


you have given me a house with all good things

a heart filled with tenderness

so why did you not give me someone

to tame my wild heart


what sinful act did I do to burn in pain like this

why did I not taste joy, not for a single moment

in the rainy season, my heart used to be filled with dreams

but you gave me nobody to play with 


Abu Jafar



it is between those three forms of existence:

truth lust and darkness

that the play of this world evolves, repeatedly

and the human who tries to become fully human

participates in this play of love


high tide enters the dried-up river and water flows

on all sides, without barriers

do not swim into this river of lust in the last part of your life on earth

as long as there is lust the gates of love will not open

if you swim into the river then

you will not be able to get back to the riverbed

you will sink and die


the one who knows love can easily swim and reach the other shore

nine sorts of water[1], five forms[2]

oh Krishna, black-hued

three[3] goddesses with tools and necklaces

are waiting at the river-bed for lovers

to give away their necklace to a lover


dive into this river

you who know true love

to you who lack this true passion I say: do not dive into the river

if you do you will die much too early


those who have let go of lust, come here

the angel of death will bow to you three times, says Hasan


Hasan Ali Cisti




my soulbird sings no more

I have kept calling on it

I have called it with many names

my soulbird has left the cage

I have kept taming it for so long

it has left behind emptiness, and nothing else


the cage in my chest has become empty

my tears are flowing

that the bird could ever leave me I had not understood

I cry on the outside of the cage

my soulbird is not in the cage

by whom can I be known and held


pain is burning

the place of pain is dark as coal

I have no home and my bird has left me behind

to fly to its own unknown forest


whom can I blame, I who can blame nobody

I could not tame my soulbird

I forced love upon it

such forced love is nothing but a lie                                                 






guru, I have not been able to know my own soul

guru, I have not been able to know you

I have not been freed from the bonds of this world



why am I attached to this world as I know I shall die

guru, this world of lust and pleasure will one day be gone

this life is filled with pain and true joy is nowhere to find


where was I before I was born and where will I go after my death

guru, since I was born I have tried to see things the way other people see

I have been attached to this world and forgotten to think about the other world


father mother brother, they all held me tenderly

but when I leave this world they will become strangers, oh guru

who in this world of desires is fully mine, oh guru







the bird will fly from the cage


you will one day have to let go of the world you are attached to

wealth money belongings will not travel with you

brothers friends and relatives will not travel with you

your home will be a dark place in the ground


empty love empty greed empty world

the coloured puppet will be broken and put aside

death will occur and nobody even thinks of it

you will have to let go of the world you are attached to                 






the wind is cool but the soul has no peace

I am alone in bed with no sleep

I say to the wind do not touch me

I want to be touched by the one I love


when at home I am walking in vain

when out of my home I am walking in vain all the time

no trace of my friend anywhere

oh wind do not touch my body






the seat of the murshid is the kaaba of the faithful

where the wind of heaven is blowing

the one with trust and devotion will be freed

nobody knows who will be freed


bow down where the murshid is seated

stay waiting where the murshid is seated

wait for his words and do what he commands

in this way will you be blessed                   


just bow down to the murshid

whatever state of the mind he is in

and you will be blessed

whether he sees you or not


remember what the murshid says

what you need he does know

be patient and just listen

no need for you to speak


when the murshid looks at you

let your eyes watch his feet

Hasan says those who are holy

can burn away evil fire with the fire of justice


I have seen how Khaji Israel Sha

burned away all evil 

Hasan Ali Cisti




you did not even see

whether it was gilded paper or real gold that you received

what the guru gave is beyond your knowledge


the guru gave you real gold

and you believed it was gilded paper

as if you were completely blind

   if you do not meditate you will not reach reality


Chandidas and Rajakini loved in a true way

they received the real

and died together by the same love

    the way few humans die  






I have died before dying

I am afraid of death no more


the one who has died in the fire of love

is dead though (s)he lives

no difference whether I am dead or alive

   I am just beaten 


no end to the blows I have received

my heart hurts, that is the way I have died

is no happiness ever to be given

   to me in this world 


Nurul Islam Jahid






the lover tied up my heart

made a cage

tamed the bird of life

and locked the door from outside


the murshid says you own nothing

I only ask whether a broken pot of clay

can be put together

does such a murshid exist


a boat made of three pieces of wood

three men to row aft and three forward

oh row quickly then

the six[4] will row in their own way

   saying prayers for Allah



baul Jalal wonders

if the bird of life can be freed from the cage

if God so wishes I will be a slave

if the murshid so wishes I will be a slave

   does such a God exist  


baul Jalal




oh soul, oh friend of my soul, there is nobody else

to whom I can speak my pain

   there is no friend but you 


oh soul, oh friend of my soul, you were my real friend

but when I fell asleep you fled away

when I woke up I could not see your face

   beautiful as the moon[5], oh my soul


oh soul, oh friend of my soul,

I got this house to live in and my hope was immense  

the branches of my tree of hope broke down

   and hope is falling     falling


oh soul, oh friend of my soul,

like the bird[6] who drinks rain-water and nothing else

as the clouds drift away  

   on to other countries  


kabi Jashim Uddin




do not hesitate, let go of what you own

death is coming closer

gold silver all kinds of wealth

there is no place for these                             


your dreams are still unfulfilled

in your house lives a beautiful wife

yet you want another


you will not again be young

the days to count become less

very soon now, the small letters of the alphabet

will be unreadable for your eyes


no strength any more in your body

all of a sudden you will faint

and the messenger of death hand over his letter 


Hasan Ali Cisti




the day will come for each and everyone

to be buried and stay in the ground

so why crave for a big house in this world

the bird of your soul will leave the cage

nothing else will change in the world


mother father sister brother, all

will become unknown to you, my soul

skin and bone, all the particles of the body, will decay

brain backbone bones and skin will separate

small and big veins become nothing


all of this, deep in the ground

no bed no water, this house is dark

in this ground Munir Sarkar will lie


what good can wife child friend do then

without your breath they all become unknown

so why crave for a big house in this world  


Munir Sarkar





time passed   the friend of my heart did not come back

time passed   the friend of my heart did not come back


it was late   it was night

the cuckoo called from the branch

I am the unhappy one

pain is burning    hurting 

to whom can I show my sorrow

oh friend-witness  my sorrow


if the friend of my heart comes back

to the house of this unhappy one

make him a necklace of the black

kajol marks from my weeping eyes


and, friend-witness, tell mad Razzak 

that the one who loved him   has gone forever 


Razzak Deoan



you I will make into Radha[7]   tenderly make you into my Radha

and I will become Dark Moon[8]

and prove that love

leaves marks, love

makes wounds


I will make you into a decent girl

and show her the pain of separation

show her the pain of separation

how will she be able to stay in-doors and at home

and keep her self-respect


when I will be sitting at the bank of the Jamuna river

at the foot of the kadam tree

play flute and call for Radha Radha

then you will understand the pain of love

how devastating 

is the poisonous flood                                           






Soharab Hosen


oh bird from the land of my friend

tell me about my friend

for how long can I be waiting

waiting for how long



I could see my friend at my side

but my dream was  broken  

and I knew it was all just a lie


like the female deer in a burnt-out jungle

I am running around

burnt up from within

oh for how long must Soharab burn from within                 


Soharab Hosen




oh how to tie up my young life


I have neither silver nor gold

to put around my neck   as a jewel


oh how to tie up my young life


I have neither banknotes nor coins

to tie up in the knot    of my saree                                                  


oh how to tie up my young life                                       






if you black Krishna

would come to my modest hut

an early morning during the month of rains

I would sing for you

play the harmonium for you


if you came I would  put out

a part of my saree for you to sit

and smilingly sing

all the night for you

happily make you happy

with my own hands prepare paan

delicately, on a tray for you



from you I would get the smell of rainy month´s flower

let heart blend with heart

whisper words with no sound

and flow with you in the river of love

even without water                                                           









[1] ros meaning ”juice”, referring, probably, to the juices of the body   

[2] earth, water, fire, air, space

[3] referring to mystical and yogic knowledge: ida, pingala, susumna

[4] kam, krodh, lobh, maha, madh, matsya/hinsa

[5] nothing is more beautiful than the the moon; which may refer to Krishna  

[6] catok: a bird with its beak turned towards the sky

[7] Radha is Krishna´s beloved one

[8] one of Krishna´s names