Keeping alive Beauty and Community
We aim to empower children’s expression through traditional, musical and visual art forms.
Song and Music
Our aim is to preserve different forms of textual and instrumental folk music in northern Bangladesh
A community of musicians teach the children with dedicated attention.. Mayer Tory is the name of the Bangladeshi organisation.
“Everything has been close here [because of covid], only the music places have been open, from there we have gained strength. We have not been crushed, solely thanks to the strength we have gotten from the singing.”
— Suchana
“May this work be kept alive forever, also for those coming after us”
— Sumon

Painting with Natural Pigments
We are keeping alive precious forms of art and culture with the joyful participation of children in the Bengali region of India.
The pandemic
Alle offentlige skoler har vært stengt fram til september 2021. I lys av dette har stedene våre vært spesielt viktige i pandemien. Dit har barna kommet, riktignok i mindre grupper og ofte med munnbind, gjennom hele pandemien.
All public schools have been closed until september 2021. In the light of this, our places have been of particular importance during this pandemic. The children have been able to come throughout the pandemic (in smaller groups and with masks)
What is EWA-Norway about?
EWA-Norway is a commitment of solidarity. Nobody profits financially from it, but joy is multiplied. We collaborate with two Bengali grass roots organisations: One based in West-Bengal, India, and the other one is based in the northern region of Bangladesh. The region is extremely vulnerable to climate change and nature loss.
Deep connections between people in our three countries are being nurtured. There is, no doubt, a deep feeling of being together, of sharing pains, joys – and the learning of new skills, and of seeing new creative possibilities. And importantly, the teachers know the children by name.
Together we preserve og share the vanishing traditions and strengthen children’s expression through painting, yoga and music. They tell about the joy of learning and discovery.
EWA-Norway is a membership-based organization.
You are invited to take part, financially and, maybe, in other ways too.